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Antoinette Vermilye


Antoinette Vermilye is Co-founder of the Gallifrey Foundation and also She Changes Climate

Antoinette is passionate about the complex interrelationships of climate change, the ocean, plastics, gender on social injustice, human and planetary  health and the environment. She seeks either coalitions to find action-oriented solutions that will have far-reaching impacts downstream or to take action on identified gaps where little or no attention is being paid. 

Thus, her work is eclectic interconnectedness: with a full exploration of the  impact of overfishing on the ocean, migrants, plastics, and climate change; empowering citizens to take civil legal action against unsustainable legal and illegal overfishing; awareness raising and advocacy on the impacts of plastics on human and planetary health, social injustice and the environment and an International Gender champion campaigning for more women at decision-making levels in climate negotiations and boards