Craig Leeson
Key Opinion Ambassador
Craig is the fourth generation in his family to work in the media business. He began his career in newspapers before moving to radio and television. He earned multiple journalism and presenting awards while corresponding with ABC Television in Australia before moving to Hong Kong to present and report on the Handover and other Asian affairs for global and regional broadcasters such as Asia Television, CNN, and BBC. In the late 90s, he covered the fall of Suharto and Indonesia’s independent elections as well as the impending East Timor War.
He has a New York Festival Award for Best International Documentary and an Asian TV award for a documentary on the Maoist rebels of Nepal and was one of the first television presenters to investigate the economic sanctions imposed on Burma and to interview democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest.
In early 2002 he moved to the National Geographic Channel and created and produced the Channel’s first in-house series for Asia, called Geowatch Asia. Craig then took an executive challenge and accepted a role as Media Strategist at executive level for Richard Li (PCCW), helping to restructure Network Of the World (NOW broadband) in London and working on Asia’s three biggest joint venture projects with Telstra Australia.