Keith Monroe
Contributing Photographer
Keith Monroe was born and raised on the Gulf Coast in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He began his photography and diving career in 1977 as a US Navy photographer. As a Navy photographer his assignments included extensive aerial reconnaissance, photojournalism, research/development as well public affairs projects.
Since his years in the Navy, he has dived and photographed the world extensively; from the remote coral reefs off Papau New Guinea and Palau, to man’s “oceanic skyscrapers”, the oil rigs of the Gulf of Mexico. He has dived the historical wrecks of the Red Sea, the Pacific and Scapa Flow, Scotland to the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean, Maldives and Australia.
Keith is an award-winning photographer. He has been published in a number of local and national publications including Natures Best Photography, Alert Diver, Newsweek, United Press International contributor, Pacific Stars and Stripes, Surface Warfare magazine, Lake Charles American Press, Sports World, and The Daily Mail.
He has a special interest in capturing the often over-looked beauty of the Gulf of Mexico and its link to our transit ocean current systems. Keith is committed to conservation in all that he does. “ Pole to pole an active conservation and preservation posture is needed by all to meet the challenges of the dynamic world we live in.”