Paul Isley III
Explorer Team Member
Paul T. Isley III is an entrepreneur, author, and adventurer who re-wrote, designed and produced the critically acclaimed deep ocean exploration account, The Deep Voyages To Titanic and Beyond, which details of much of the evolution of the deep sea submersible world. This fact-filled tome by famed Russian explorer and scientist, Dr. Anatoly Sagalevich is an English and updated version of his Russian book, The Deep. There were many consequences that resulted from this project, not the least of which were the warm friendships and acquaintances Paul made with many in the deep-sea community who had worked with and who had become close to Dr. Sagalevich. In 2008 he was invited by Dr. Sagalevich to dive with him 1,200 meters to the bottom of Lake Bailkal in Siberia. It was a fascinating adventure that few get to experience.

Paul was got his scuba certification in 1971 and worked as a salvage diver on an expedition in 1972 that searched for Spanish Galleons in the Caribbean. He was lucky to find a wreck that was dated to 1612. He has also dived in many locations around the world, from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.
Paul is President of the Adventurers Club of Chicago and past 1st V.P. and Program Chairman of the Adventurers Club of Los Angeles. He is also a member of the Explorers Club. He lives in Manhattan Beach, California with his wife, Betty. Their three grown children are also PADI certified scuba divers.
The Deep Voyages To Titanic and Beyond